How to troubleshoot compass calibration issue? (Specially for MI Devices)

How to troubleshoot compass calibration issue?
Hello Mi Fans,
Once again we are back with another one helpful thread to overcome your problems.We are out here with the solution to fix your compass issue.

If you use a quiet a lot of navigation apps or compass apps and you find that your device does not respond or is pointing to the wrong direction you expect it to point, which means that your phone has been decalibrated. It is easy to calibrate your phone. There are three methods by which you can bring your phone back to normal.

First Method
  • Move your phone along all the axis.
  • Repeat each of the following steps 2-3 times.
  • First around x-axis(left to right)Second around y-axis(keep it on a flat surface and rotate it).
  • Last around the z-axis(top to bottom).

Second Method
Its a funny method...
  • Move your phone along the shape of an eight/waving flag.
Repeat it 2-3 times.

Third Method
If both of the above methods didn't work try this method.
  • Goto SettingsAbout Phone.
  • Tap on Kernel Version 4-5 times(CIT).
  • Select Accelerator, move your phone in all directions and then tap om calibration.
  • Next, Select Gyroscpoe, Keep your phone on aflat surface and tap on calibration.

NOTE: This thread can also be a solution for issues faced during motion gaming.
Was the thread helpful? Let us know.


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